News News New paper out: Multiple pathways towards sustainable development goals and climate targets SHAPE Scenario Explorer online New paper out: Income and inequality pathways consistent with eradicating poverty SHAPE focus issue in Environmental Research Letters Recordings from the SHAPE final conference available now Report on 2nd phase of the SHAPE stakeholder dialogue published Why we need new narratives for a Sustainable Future - SDSN Blog Article published Have a look: Videos explainig the SHAPE approach and scenarios! DIE discussion paper: SDG-aligned futures and the governance of transformation to sustainability New paper out: Decent living gaps and energy needs around the world New paper: Sustainable development pathway for climate action within the 2030 Agenda 2nd Stakeholder Webinar We have updated the "outcomes" section Publication on the Transformation towards Sustainability First SHAPE Stakeholder Workshop: October 2020 Stakeholder online seminar and launch of a questionnaire Start of the SHAPE stakeholder dialogue Virtual partner meeting SHAPE Kickoff Meeting