Stakeholder online seminar and launch of a questionnaire

SHAPE’s first step of the stakeholder dialogue, an online seminar, took place on June 30th. The seminar aimed at introducing the SHAPE project and the co-designing process of the Sustainable Development Pathways (SDPs) to our stakeholders and experts. The project’s aims, our envisaged role of the stakeholders and the first stage of the scenario building process were presented, followed by a lively Q&A session that gave the floor to our participants. Designed as a first “get-together”, we were very pleased about the number of participants and we thank our stakeholders and experts in particular for the valuable questions and comments that we received from their side.
Following the online seminar, a questionnaire on the narratives for the Sustainable Development Pathways (SDPs), the next step in our stakeholder dialogue, was launched.
The SHAPE stakeholder dialogue is an ongoing process and we welcome new voices. Please get in touch with in case you are interested in contributing.