New paper out: Decent living gaps and energy needs around the world

A new study by Kikstra et al. addresses how much energy would be required globally to support decent living conditions to all people worldwide. The analysis starts from assessing bottom-up gaps in providing decent living standards. Based on this and an energy requirement analysis, the study shows that the increase in energy provision necessary to eradicate poverty does not unavoidably threaten global climate mitigating goals. It shows that present energy consumption in exceeds hypothetical energy needs for a decent life and stresses the need for greater attention to equity aspects.

The study is freely available online:

Kikstra, Jarmo S., A. Mastrucci, J. Min, K. Riahi, N.D. Rao. Decent living gaps and energy needs around the world. Environmental Research Letters 16 095006.

The study has been widely reported. Summaries can be found here, for example: