DIE discussion paper: SDG-aligned futures and the governance of transformation to sustainability

A new study by Ariel Hernandez explores the (im)possibility of governance of the transformation to sustainability (T2S). It analyses how an integrated conceptualisation of the governance of T2S can shed light on the necessary puzzle parts that various disciplinary perspectives can contribute, not only in helping to see the bigger picture, but also in understanding possible meanings when operationalised to solve problems on the ground.

Within the SHAPE project, the paper was published by the German Development Institute/ Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in continual exchange with lead members of the Integrated Assessment Modeling community (PIK, IIASA and University of Utrecht) and other experts in sustainability science and governance (SRC and IASS) and industrial ecology (NTNU).

For more information, please read Ariel's summary which is available here.


Hernandez, Ariel M. SDG-Aligned Futures and the Governance of the Transformation to Sustainability. Reconsidering Governance Perspectives on the Futures We Aspire to. DIE discussion paper. https://doi.org/10.23661/dp30.2021