Engagement with the public

1. SHAPE materials

Report on the first phase of the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue, June - October 2021. Potsdam, Stockholm. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7432337 .

Report on the second phase of the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue, 4 - 8 April 2022. Potsdam, Stockholm. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7432489 .

Fact sheets

Fact Sheet 1: Target-seeking scenarios and the target space

Fact Sheet 2: Key assumptions of the SDP scenarios

Fact Sheet 3: Models used in SHAPE

Blog Articles

SDSN Germany Blog Article: Die Macht von Geschichten – Warum brauchen wir neue Narrative für eine nachhaltige Zukunft – und wie können quantitative Analysen diese unterstützen?

RIFS blog: The Power of Stories: Why We Need New Narratives for a Sustainable Future, and How Quantitative Analyses Can Support Them (English Version of the SDSN Blog Article)


Video: The SHAPE approach of co-developing a new set of scenarios for Sustainable Development Pathways (SDPs)

Video: Narratives for the SHAPE SDPs describing different pathways that ideally reach the Agenda 2030’s Sustainable Development Goals and maintain sustainable development thereafter.

2. Media presence

SHAPE results cited in NATURE editorial from August 08/2023 "Clean energy can fuel the future — and make the world healthier -Research challenges the myth that clean energy acts as a brake on global economic development", available here. (https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-02510-y)

Two scientific papers by Bjoern Soergel (PIK) (Soergel et al 2021a, 2021b) received wide coverage in leading German and international media (including ARD Tagesschau 17 Uhr, ZDF Terra X Lesch & co, live interviews with 2 regional broadcasters, BBC online, Reuters).

The scientific paper from Kikstra et al., 2021 (IIASA) on estimating multidimensional poverty received wide media coverage and interviews with newspapers (https://iop.altmetric.com/details/111774340/news)

Edgar Hertwich and colleagues from NTNU addressed the general public by numerous newspaper articles, TV interviews and webniars/online contributions with content related to SHAPE:

Hertwich, E. 2021. Slik kan vi nå klimamålene. Ungdomens klimatoppmøte; 2021-03-18

Hertwich, E. 2021. Supply Chain Decarbonization. Decarb Connect [Internet] 2021-10-05

Hertwich, E. 2022. Climate change will affect all businesses. A US regulator wants companies to tell shareholders. Swifttelecast [Internet] 2022-10-14

Hertwich, E. 2022. Rasjonering eller utkobling?. Klassekampen 2022

Hertwich, E., Dunne, D. 2021. Greenhouse gas emissions from raw material production ‘doubled in 20 years’. The Independent [Avis] 2021-02-16

Hertwich, E., Lillealtern, R.; Kleiven, T.; Nilsen, H. 2022. Derfor må vi gjenbruke gamle bygg fremfor å rive. Det store spørsmålene (podcast) [Radio] 2022-02-09

Hertwich, E., Nistad, A. 2021. Mindre materialbruk gir et bedre klima. Adresseavisen 2021

Hertwich, E., Rudgard, O. 2020. Live in smaller homes to fix the climate crisis, UN report suggests. The Telegraph [Avis] 2020-11-19

Hertwich, E.; Bazilchuk, N. 2022. The EU has the strongest climate law in the world. But it's not enough. 63 degrees North podcast [Internet] 2022-11-07

Hertwich, E.; Bradsley, D.; Grubb, M.; Höhne, N. 2022. A quarter of a century on, what did the Kyoto Protocol on climate change achieve?. The National News of Dubai [Avis] 2022-12-06

Hertwich, E.; Zheng, H. 2022 Overrasket over hvem som er klimaverstingene. nrk.no [Internet] 2022-03-11

Hertwich, E.; Zheng, H. 2022. Store boliger gjør eldre til klimaverstinger. Byggmesteren [Fagblad] 2022-03-15

Hertwich, E.; Zheng, H.; Meland, S. 2022. People over 60 are greenhouse gas emission bad guys. Newswise [Internet] 2022-03-25

Hertwich, E.2021. Why do Materials Matter for Global Climate Action?. World Circular Economy Forum [TV] 2021-04-15

Meland, S.; Zheng, H.; Hertwich, E. 2022. Folk over 60 er klimaverstingene. Gemini.no [Fagblad] 2022-03-10

Zheng, H., Hertwich, E. 2022. Bad news for baby boomers: People over 60 are now the 'greenhouse gas bad guys' and are responsible for a THIRD of global emissions, study finds. Daily Mail [Avis] 2022-03-25

Zheng, H., Hertwich, E. 2022. Boomers create more carbon emissions than any other age group, study finds. Metro [Avis] 2022-03-25

Zheng, H., Hertwich, E. 2022. Climate change: Ageing population in developed countries poses big carbon-reduction challenge for ‘world factories’ like China, Middle East, study finds. South China Morning Post [Avis] 2022-03-11

Zheng, H., Hertwich, E. 2022. Estudo diz que nova geração de idosos emite mais gases de efeito estufa. Yahoo [Avis] 2022-03-26

Zheng, H., Hertwich, E. 2022. People over 60 account for a third of greenhouse gas emissions. The Hill [Avis] 2022-03-25

Zheng, H., Hertwich, E.  2022. People over 60 responsible for a third of global emissions: Study. Ahmedabad Mirror [Avis] 2022-03-25

Zheng, H., Hertwich, E. Claworthy, B. 2022. All-consuming baby boomers are the world’s worst polluters ‘with biggest carbon footprint’. The Sunday Times [Avis] 2022-03-27

Zheng, H., Hertwich, E. 2022. All-consuming baby boomers are the world’s worst polluters ‘with biggest carbon footprint’. Times 2022

Zheng, H., Hertwich, E. 2022. People over 60 account for a third of greenhouse gas emissions. The Hill 2022

Hertwich, E., Pauliuk, Stefan. 2020. Resource Efficiency and Climate Change - Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future. Online-seminar: “Identifying aspects and relevance of the climate-resource-nexus”; 2020-09-29